The Times on why Islamofascist clerics where alowed to stays so long
Camilla Cavendish writing in The Times about why the Islamofascist clerics where allowed to stay in Britian so long. She points the finger mainly at the security services
The intelligence services bear considerable responsibility for letting in many of the extremists who have done so much damage in this country since the early 1990s and for doing so little to curtail their activities. It is distinctly ironic that those whose complacency helped to create the problem are now overreacting by pressing for unnecessarily draconian powers.The intelegence services apparently believed that they could use these clerics as tools to spy on their fanatical flocks and gain an insider view of Islamist terrorism. Hence making them too useful to deport.
Perhaps the inteligence services thought that these people, wanted in other countries for their activities, would be greatful to Britain for not handing them over to face Sharia justice. Perhaps the inteligence services where thinking that they would be greatful for the free money that they where able scrounge off of us natives. In the even they where neither, and simply took are money while scheming to kill us and destroy the society that they where sponging off.
She concludes that:
Mr Blair will have to resist the temptation to get tough where it is easiest for him to do so, by chalking up a bevy of new offences when he has already enacted three anti-terrorism laws since 2000. And he must get toughest where he is weakest. To deport the ten suspects he will eventually have to sacrifice his Human Rights Act: he will not get round the European Convention either by derogating or by waving memos of understanding at judges who will never believe that Algeria has thrown away its thumbscrews.Will he do this. I dought it. It is a racing certainty that there will be yet more laws that clamp down on the civil liberties of Britons while allowing the Islamists free reign so as not to interfere with their human rights.
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